Net One Systems USA

What We Do

Net One Systems USA assists startups to expand their business in Japan. We have a wealth of experience and expertise in partnering with influential companies such as Cisco Systems and VMware since their early stages and have helped them grow.

Who We Are

As the US branch of Net One Systems, headquartered in Tokyo, we have been based in Palo Alto (now in Cupertino) since 1995 . Our main activities are to identify startups and to research and report on business and technology trends in the US.

About Net One Systems

Net One Systems, one of a largest VAR and systems integration service provider in Japan, leverages its collective strengths to support its customers’ ICT infrastructure.  Our full life-cycle services extend from proposals for ICT utilization, introduction to evaluation and verification, quality control for installed equipment, post installation maintenance and operational management and technical trainings.

By leveraging the expertise and trusted resources, we offer the extensive IT infrastructural life-cycle services to major enterprises and government institutions throughout the market.  Thriving to offer best leading solutions, we partner with emerging technology startups/companies to provide best-of-class solution to our customers and grow the business.